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Property:Reference ID

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Pages using the property "Reference ID"

Showing 100 pages using this property.

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Nature conservation act, 1996 (Finland) +131  +
Nature conservation decree, 1997 (Finland) +157  +
Niedersächsisches Gesetz über den Wald und die Landschaftsordnung NWaldLG +240  +
Niedersächsisches Jagdgesetz NJagdG +236  +
Non-timber forest products (NTFP) survey sub-sector analysis (SSA) in Montenegro +561  +
ORDER AYG/1066/2011 +217  +
Operation Technical Regulations +209  +
Order AAM/254/2012, of 31st of August, of approval of the Mushroom Harvesting Plan in the area of Poblet, Catalunya +134  +
Order LCAT 1994\462 of 9th of August 1994 that modifies the ordinance of 15th of July 1991 (LCAT 1991\315), of regulation of the truffle sector +133  +
Order MAH/328/2005 13th of July that modifies the Order from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector. Published in the DOGC, number 4433, 25/07/2005. +139  +
Order MAH/328/2005 13th of July that modifies the Ordinance from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector. Published in the DOGC, number 4433, 25/07/2005 +138  +
Order SCO/190/2004 of 28th of January that publishes the relation between plants and mushrooms that remain forbidden to selling, depending on its toxicity +128  +
Order SCO/3303/2006, of 23rd of Octuber that forbids strictly the trade of mushroom Tricholoma equestre +137  +
Order from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector +136  +
Payments for recreational harvest activity +381  +
Pests Act 1954 (UK) +247  +
Pilot Plan regulating the harvesting of mushrooms in the area of Poblet +555  +
Placement of bee hives on public land +353  +
Plans for mycological use (Micodata) +371  +
Plans for mycological use. +594  +
Plant Health Act 1967 (UK) +241  +
Policy and strategy for forest sector development in Romania +638  +
Products of the wild label +412  +
Produs in Bucovina / Made in Bucovina +574  +
Program on fostering of competitiveness and internationalization of Serbian economy +443  +
Programme for rehabilitation of cork Oak and Holm Oak "Montados" +115  +
Promoting traditional collection and use of wild plants to reduce social and economic disparities in Central Europe +568  +
Public Order Act, 2003 (Finland) +168  +
Public tender for co-financing sustainable game management +359  +
Quality label for medicinal and aromatic plan +590  +
RDP Measure 214: landscape maintenance +402  +
RDP Measure 227: chestnut forest maintenance +385  +
RDP measure 111: education program to cultivate minor fruits +387  +
RDP measure 123: production of fruits +357  +
RDP measure 132: support to the high quality product production +454  +
RDP measure 214: opportunities for berries +354  +
RDP measures: grants for establishing and managing hedges +423  +
REGULATION (CE) No 629/2008 (02/07/2008) amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs +135  +
Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on the hygiene of foodstuffs. +109  +
Regulation of Municipal Plans of Forest Protection against fires (PMDCI) +113  +
Regulation of harvesting and commercialization of pine cones of Pinus pinea (Catalonia) +350  +
Regulation of production and harvesting of cork (Catalonia) +343  +
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 November 2012 on quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs +72  +
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin +78  +
Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 January 1997 concerning novel foods and novel food ingredients +75  +
Regulationof the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 concerning consumer information on foodstuffs +80  +
Regulations on sale of fresh mushrooms +397  +
Rescue Act, 2011 (Finland) +164  +
Research centres as an example of innovation centres : the case of the Catalan Cork Institute +554  +
Resolution on National Forest Programme, 2007 (Slovenia) +641  +
Royal Decree 30/2009 of 16th of January on sanitary conditions for the trade of mushrooms for alimentation use +141  +
Rule governing the collection of mushrooms +186  +
Rulebook on declaration and protection of protected and strictly protected species of plants, animals and fungi (Serbia) +196  +
Rulebook on the transboundary movement and trade in protected species (Serbia) +192  +
Rules on the protection of forests, 2000 (Slovenia) +171  +
Rules on the register of bee forage sources, bee forage organisation and the bee forage forecast programme, 2013 (Slovenia) +648  +
Ruling on Forestry Intervention Areas (ZIF) +104  +
SFM certification (PEFC) +349  +
Sales permits for venison trade +445  +
Scots Common Law +244  +
Scottish Bulb Collection code +392  +
Scottish Moss Collection code +379  +
Scottish Quality Wild Venison +425  +
Scottish Wild Mushrooms code +405  +
Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System +116  +
Second Mushroom Law 376/95 (Italy) +188  +
Seventh Framework Programme +69  +
Slovenian honey with protected geographical indication (SHPGI) +351  +
Spanish Civil Code +127  +
Spanish Forest Plan +643  +
Spanish Forest Strategy +642  +
Spanish Forestry Law +143  +
Specific business qualification document for trading pinecones and pine nuts +458  +
State of Finland forest 2012, based on the Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management, 2012 (Finland) +630  +
Stock pinecone forest producers of blackpine +342  +
Styrian Hunting Act (1986) +361  +
Styrian hunting law +573  +
Subsidies for SFM +428  +
Subsidies for sustainable forest management in public forests +557  +
Subsidies for the installation of bee hives, for the purchase of extraction equipment, and support measures for carrying out analysis of honey +400  +
Suceava University MSc in Forest management +569  +
Supply Chain Efficiency Scheme +602  +
Support for HACCAP certification +394  +
Support for creating new techologies and products +556  +
Südtirol Hunting Law 141/87 +193  +
Südtirol NWFP Harvesting Law 6/10 +200  +
Tax exemption +365  +
Tax exemption for selling for any NWFP (and agricultural products) producers/harvester earning less than 7700€/year +538  +
Tax exemption for selling honey or bees +457  +
Tax free income (Finland) +446  +
Territorial Surveillance Act, 2000 (Finland) +174  +
The Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, 2013 +48  +
The Alpine Convention +55  +
The Arctic Flavours Association (Finland) +566  +
The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) +63  +
The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 +235  +
The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 +230  +
The Constitution of Finland, 1999 (Finland) +162  +
The Criminal Code, 1889 (Finland) +158  +
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