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Property:Policy area

The broad area to which a given policy document pertains.

This property is of type Page.

Allowed values

The allowed values for this property are:

  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Biodiversity and endangered species policies
  • Food safety
  • Forestry
  • Fruit and vegetable regime
  • Green public procurement
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Plant health and biosecurity
  • Product labelling and packaging
  • Research Programmes

Pages using the property "Policy area"

Showing 50 pages using this property.

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FYM/744/2012 +Forestry  +
Federal State Hunting Act of Lower Saxony +Forestry  +
Financial incentives for beekeeper's infrastructure and equipment +Forestry  +
Fiscal Law on Truffle Commercialization C. 41/05 (Italy) +Forestry  +
Fishing Act, 1982 (Finland) +Forestry  +
Food Act, 2006 (Finland) +Food safety  +
Forest Act, 1996 (Finland) +Forestry  +
Forest Act: harvesting regulations (Austria) +Forestry  +
Forest Certification (Forest Management and Chain of custody) +Forestry  +
Forest Law (2012, 2014): harvesting regulations +Forestry  +
Forest Regime +Forestry  +
Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002 +Forestry  +
Forest act, 1993 (Slovenia) +Forestry  +
Forest certification (FSC) +Forestry  +
Forest certification (PEFC), 2000 (Finland) +Forestry  +
Forestry Act 1967 (UK) +Forestry  +
Forestry Development Strategy (Serbia) +Forestry  +
Forstgesetz 1975 (Forest Act 1975, Austria) +Forestry  +
Fostering competitiveness and internationalization of Serbian economy +Agriculture and Rural Development  +, Food safety  +, Forestry  +,
Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 (UK) +Forestry  +
Government Decree amending the Nature Conservation Decree 2005 (Finland) +Forestry  +, Biodiversity and endangered species policies  +
Green public procurement +Green public procurement  +
Ground Game Act 1880 (UK) +Forestry  +
Habitats directive +Biodiversity and endangered species policies  +
Harvesting licenses +Forestry  +
Hunters actions for environmental restauration +Forestry  +
Hunting Derogation Law 221/02 +Forestry  +
Hunting Law (2014), Hunting regulations (2003, 2004) +Forestry  +
Hunting law (Portugal) +Forestry  +
Hunting legislation +Forestry  +
Hunting licences and hunting permits +Forestry  +
Hunting license (Catalonia) +Forestry  +
Hunting licenses +Forestry  +
Hunting licenses and permits +Forestry  +
Improvement of stand productivity +Forestry  +
Informal agreements between FO and collectors +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Baixo Sorraia” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Charneca da Calha do Grou” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Chouto e Parreira” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Divor” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Erra” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Marvão” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ribeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Muge” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “São Bartolomeu da Serra”. +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ulme e Vale de Cavalos” +Forestry  +
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Viso e Anexas”. +Forestry  +
Institution of the forestry intervention area (ZIF) “Chamusca, Pinheiro Grande e Carregueira”. +Forestry  +
Intellectual property rights +Intellectual property rights  +
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) +Plant health and biosecurity  +
Facts about "Policy area"
Allows value
"Allows value" is a predefined property that can define a list of permissible values to restrict value assignments for a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Agriculture and Rural Development +, Biodiversity and endangered species policies +, Food safety +, Forestry +, Fruit and vegetable regime +, Green public procurement +, Intellectual property rights +, Plant health and biosecurity +, Product labelling and packaging + and Research Programmes +
Has type
"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
Page +