Lower case property for name of the policy. This exist for query purposes. No need to assign this individually for policies if template is used. Type text.
Pages using the property "Lcname"
Showing 50 pages using this property.
D | |
Decree on putting under control the use and trade of wild flora and fauna + | decree on putting under control the use and trade of wild flora and fauna + |
Decree on the protection of wild fungi (Slovenia) + | decree on the protection of wild fungi + |
Decree on the protection of wild fungi, 2011 (Slovenia) + | decree on the protection of wild fungi, 2011 (slovenia) + |
Decree-Law No. 124/2006 Regulation the National Forest Protection System + | decree-law no. 124/2006 regulation the national forest protection system + |
Decree-Law No. 127/2005 Establishment of Forestry Intervention Areas (ZIF). + | decree-law no. 127/2005 establishment of forestry intervention areas (zif). + |
Decree-Law No. 16/2009 Legal regime for forestry management planning and intervention (2009) + | decree-law no. 16/2009 legal regime for forestry management planning and intervention (2009) + |
Decree-Law No. 169/2001 Establishment of Protective measures of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands + | decree-law no. 169/2001 establishment of protective measures of cork oak and holm oak stands + |
Decree-Law No. 2/2011 Hunting law (Portugal) + | decree-law no. 2/2011 hunting law (portugal) + |
Decree-Law No. 20/ 2009 Transfer of functions to municipalities and constitution of forestry technical offices + | decree-law no. 20/ 2009 transfer of functions to municipalities and constitution of forestry technical offices + |
Decree-Law No. 33/96 Forest Policy Law (Portugal) + | decree-law no. 33/96 forest policy law (portugal) + |
Decree-Law No. 5/2011 Establishment of measures to promote production and exploitation of forest biomass. + | decree-law no. 5/2011 establishment of measures to promote production and exploitation of forest biomass. + |
Decree-Law No. 565/99 Species that can be used in Portugal + | decree-law no. 565/99 species that can be used in portugal + |
Decree-Law No. 63/2004 Institution of the Permanent Forestry Fund + | decree-law no. 63/2004 institution of the permanent forestry fund + |
Decree-Law No. 96/2013 Legal regime for forestry management planning and intervention + | decree-law no. 96/2013 legal regime for forestry management planning and intervention + |
Deer (Scotland) Act 1996 + | deer (scotland) act 1996 + |
Deer Act + | deer act + |
Deer Stalking Certificates + | deer stalking certificates + |
Directive 2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labeling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs + | directive 2000/13/ec of the european parliament and of the council of 20 march 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to the labeling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs + |
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the labelling presentation and advertising of foodstuff + | directive of the european parliament and of the council of 20 march 2000 relating to the labelling presentation and advertising of foodstuff + |
E | |
EU Ecolabel + | eu ecolabel + |
EU rules on plant health and biosecurity + | eu rules on plant health and biosecurity + |
Education on NWFPs + | education on nwfps + |
Education programme for herb collectors + | education programme for herb collectors + |
Environmental Protection Decree, 2000 (Finland) + | environmental protection decree, 2000 (finland) + |
Environmental protection Act, 2000 (Finland) + | environmental protection act, 2000 (finland) + |
Europe 2020 + | europe 2020 + |
Everymans' rights (Finland) + | everymans' rights (finland) + |
Export permits + | export permits + |
F | |
FSC and PEFC certification + | fsc and pefc certification + |
FSC certification scheme + | fsc certification scheme + |
FYM/133/2012 + | fym/133/2012 + |
FYM/744/2012 + | fym/744/2012 + |
Federal Hunting Act Lower Saxony + | federal hunting act lower saxony + |
Federal State Hunting Act of Lower Saxony + | federal state hunting act of lower saxony + |
Financial incentives for beekeeper's infrastructure and equipment + | financial incentives for beekeeper's infrastructure and equipment + |
Fiscal Law on Truffle Commercialization C. 41/05 (Italy) + | fiscal law on truffle commercialization c. 41/05 + |
Fishing Act, 1982 (Finland) + | fishing act, 1982 (finland) + |
Food Act, 2006 (Finland) + | food act, 2006 (finland) + |
Food Development Cluster of Finland (Finland) + | food development cluster of finland (finland) + |
Food Technology Centres + | food technology centres + |
Forest Act, 1996 (Finland) + | forest act, 1996 (finland) + |
Forest Act: harvesting regulations (Austria) + | forest act: harvesting regulations + |
Forest Certification (Forest Management and Chain of custody) + | forest certification (forest management and chain of custody) + |
Forest Framework Law + | forest framework law + |
Forest Law (2012, 2014): harvesting regulations + | forest law (2012, 2014): harvesting regulations + |
Forest Law No. 6831 (31/8/1956, amended 1983, 1986 and 1987) + | forest law no. 6831 (31/8/1956, amended 1983, 1986 and 1987) + |
Forest Policy + | forest policy + |
Forest Regime + | forest regime + |
Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002 + | forest reproductive material (great britain) regulations 2002 + |