Property:Full reference
The full name of the policy document.
This is a property of type Text.
Pages using the property "Full reference"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
F | |
Forest Regime + | Decrees of 1901 and 1903 + |
Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002 + | Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002 + |
Forest act, 1993 (Slovenia) + | Zakon o gozdovih (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos 30/1993, 67/2002, 110/2002, 110/2007, 106/2010, 63/2013, 17/2014 and 24/2015 (EPA 0119; SOP 1993-01-1299)) + |
Forest certification (PEFC), 2000 (Finland) + | Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification + |
Forestry Act 1967 (UK) + | Forestry Act 1967 c.10 + |
Forestry Development Strategy (Serbia) + | Forestry Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 59/06, Belgrade + |
Forstgesetz 1975 (Forest Act 1975, Austria) + | Bundesgesetz vom 3. Juli 1975, mit dem das Forstwesen geregelt wird (Forstgesetz 1975) StF: BGBl. Nr. 440/1975 (NR: GP XIII RV 1266 AB 1677 S. 150. BR: 1392 AB 1425 S. 344.) + |
Fostering competitiveness and internationalization of Serbian economy + | Program on fostering of competitiveness and internationalization of Serbian economy + |
G | |
Game Animal Damages Act, 2009 (Finland) + | Riistavahinkolaki, 27.2.2009/105 + |
Government Decree amending the Nature Conservation Decree 2005 (Finland) + | Valtioneuvoston asetus luonnonsuojeluasetuksen muuttamisesta 9.3.2005/913 + |
Green public procurement + | Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of 16 July 2008 on Public procurement for a better environment + |
H | |
Habitats directive + | Habitat Directive 92/43/CEE (21/05/1992) on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora + |
Hunting Derogation Law 221/02 + | Law 3 October 2002, n. 221 + |
Hunting licences and hunting permits + | Hunting licences and hunting permits + |
I | |
Improvement of stand productivity + | Several decrees frame the Programme for forestry support focusing on the improvement of stand productivity (see link, in Portuguese). + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Baixo Sorraia” + | Order No. 3/2011/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Baixo Sorraia”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Charneca da Calha do Grou” + | Order No. 113/2009 instituting the Forestry intervention area “Charneca da Calha do Grou”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Chouto e Parreira” + | Order No. 1493/2008 instituting the Forestry intervention area“Chouto e Parreira”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Divor” + | Order No. 5/2011/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Divor”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Erra” + | Order No. 24/2011 instituting the Forestry intervention area “Erra”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Marvão” + | Order No. n.º 2/2012/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Marvão”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ribeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Muge” + | Order No. 22228/2009 instituting the Forestry intervention area “Ribeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Muge”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “São Bartolomeu da Serra”. + | Order No. 26310/2009 instituting the Forestry intervention area “São Bartolomeu da Serra”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ulme e Vale de Cavalos” + | Order No. 1489/2008 instituting the Forestry intervention area “Ulme e Vale de Cavalos”. + |
Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Viso e Anexas”. + | Order No. 19/2011/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Viso e Anexas”. + |
Facts about "Full reference"
Has type "Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | Text + |