Deletion log
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 10:49, 13 October 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Law on Nature Protection (Serbia) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Law on Nature Protection |Year=2009 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade,Harvesting/Production |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Berries,Nuts,Fruits,Other NWFP |Countries=Serbia |Regions=Šumadija...")
- 15:06, 11 October 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Green public producement (correct name procurement)
- 15:40, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Mushrooms (content was: "{{NWFP Product |Type =Edible NWFP }}")
- 15:35, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) restored page Hunting law (Portugal) (1 revision restored)
- 15:34, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Hunting law (Portugal) (for deletion)
- 15:23, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Truffles (content was: "{{NWFP Product |Type =Edible NWFP }}")
- 15:23, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Honey (content was: "{{NWFP Product |Type =Edible NWFP }}")
- 15:22, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Game meat (content was: "{{NWFP Product |Type =Edible NWFP }}")
- 15:22, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Bee products (content was: "{{NWFP Product |Type =Non-Edible NWFP }} {{#ask:Category:Policies and instruments Products::Bee products | ?Name | ?Products |format=CSV | limit=500 }}")
- 15:21, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Trade (content was: "{{Property value |Description = |Category= Activities |Property= Affected activity }}")
- 15:21, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Production (content was: "{{Property value |Description = |Category= Activities |Property= Affected activity }}")
- 15:19, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Harvesting (content was: "{{Property value |Description = |Category= Activities |Property= Affected activity }}")
- 15:18, 25 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Consumption (content was: "{{Property value |Description = |Category= Activities |Property= Affected activity }}")
- 14:43, 22 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Rules on the protection of forests, 2000 (Slovenia) (dublicate)
- 14:09, 22 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Forest certification (delete redirect)
- 14:06, 22 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulation of Decree-Law No. 96/2013 approving the legal regime for forestry management planning and intervention (Dupliacte of 124)
- 14:04, 22 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Scottish Forestry Strategy (v3 delete)
- 14:04, 22 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Countryside and Rights of Way Act (delete redirect)
- 14:03, 22 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Bee hive permission (v3 delete)
- 17:46, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Rulebook on the transboundary movement and trade in protected species (content was: "#REDIRECT Rulebook on the transboundary movement and trade in protected species (Serbia)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:46, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System. (content was: "#REDIRECT Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System")
- 17:46, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Slovenian Forest Act (content was: "#REDIRECT Forest act, 1993 (Slovenia)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:45, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (content was: "#REDIRECT The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:45, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Species that can be used in Portugal (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree-Law No. 565/99 Species that can be used in Portugal", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:42, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Hunting license (Spain) (content was: "#REDIRECT Hunting license (Catalonia)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:42, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Civil Code (Law 289/2009): (content was: "#REDIRECT Civil Code (Law 289/2009)")
- 17:42, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Ammendment to Decree-Law No. 169/2001 Establishment of Protective measures of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree-Law No. 169/2001 Establishment of Protective measures of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:41, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Ribatejo (PROF Ribatejo). (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree No. 16/2006 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Ribatejo (PROF Ribatejo).", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:41, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Central Alentejo (PROF AC). (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree No. 36/2007 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Central Alentejo (PROF AC).", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:41, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Baixo Alentejo (PROF BA) (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree No. 18/2006 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Baixo Alentejo (PROF BA)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:41, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Alto Alentejo (PROF AA). (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree No. 37/2007 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Alto Alentejo (PROF AA).", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:41, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL). (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree No. 39/2007 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL).", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:40, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ulme e Vale de Cavalos”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ulme e Vale de Cavalos”")
- 17:40, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ribeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Muge”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Ribeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Muge”")
- 17:40, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Marvão”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Marvão”")
- 17:40, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Erra”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Erra”")
- 17:40, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Divor”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Divor”")
- 17:39, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Chouto e Parreira”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Chouto e Parreira”")
- 17:38, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Charneca da Calha do Grou”. (content was: "#REDIRECT Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Charneca da Calha do Grou”")
- 17:38, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page First amendments of Decree-Law No. 127/2005 on Forestry Intervention Areas (ZIF). (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree-Law No. 127/2005 Establishment of Forestry Intervention Areas (ZIF).", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:35, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page State of Finland forest 2012, based on the Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management (content was: "#REDIRECT State of Finland forest 2012, based on the Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management, 2012 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:35, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Natural Resources Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2002 (content was: "#REDIRECT Natural Resources Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2002 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:35, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page National Forest Programme (2015, Finland) (content was: "#REDIRECT National Forest Programme, 2015 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:33, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Forest certification (PEFC) (content was: "#REDIRECT Forest certification (PEFC), 2000 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:33, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Everymans' rights (content was: "#REDIRECT Everymans' rights (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:33, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Food Development Cluster of Finland (content was: "#REDIRECT Food Development Cluster of Finland (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:32, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Compensation for cervid damage (content was: "#REDIRECT Game Animal Damages Act, 2009 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:32, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Tax free income (content was: "#REDIRECT Tax free income (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:31, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page The Arctic Flavours Association (content was: "#REDIRECT The Arctic Flavours Association (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:31, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Rikoslaki (The Criminal Code) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Criminal Code, 1889 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))