Lower case property for name of the policy. This exist for query purposes. No need to assign this individually for policies if template is used. Type text.
Pages using the property "Encodedname"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
L | |
Local Action Groups – Axis 4 LEADER + | Local_Action_Groups_.E2.80.93_Axis_4_LEADER + |
Lowland Deer Network + | Lowland_Deer_Network + |
M | |
MAM/1525/2005 + | MAM.2F1525.2F2005 + |
MAM/510/2007 + | MAM.2F510.2F2007 + |
MAP law 41-148/08 + | MAP_law_41-148.2F08 + |
Management resin use Plans + | Management_resin_use_Plans + |
Management resin use plans (technical sheets of resin extraction campaigns) + | Management_resin_use_plans_.28technical_sheets_of_resin_extraction_campaigns.29 + |
Measures concerning the apiculture sector; Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 + | Measures_concerning_the_apiculture_sector.3B_Council_Regulation_.28EC.29_No_1234.2F2007 + |
Mining Act, 2011 (Finland) + | Mining_Act.2C_2011_.28Finland.29 + |
Ministerial Order 410/11.04.2008 - Procedures of the collecting, purchasing and trading wild fauna and flora species + | Ministerial_Order_410.2F11.04.2008_-_Procedures_of_the_collecting.2C_purchasing_and_trading_wild_fauna_and_flora_species + |
Modernization and Qualification of Forest Companies + | Modernization_and_Qualification_of_Forest_Companies + |
Moss/foliage harvesting permits + | Moss.2Ffoliage_harvesting_permits + |
Multifunctional Management for Forest Stands + | Multifunctional_Management_for_Forest_Stands + |
Mushroom Law 352/93 (Italy) + | Mushroom_Law_352.2F93 + |
Mushroom picking license + | Mushroom_picking_license + |
Mushroom regulation in Forest Act + | Mushroom_regulation_in_Forest_Act + |
Mushroom regulation in Poblet + | Mushroom_regulation_in_Poblet + |
Mycological management units (MYAS RC) + | Mycological_management_units_.28MYAS_RC.29 + |
N | |
National Act for nature and landcape conservation (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz) + | National_Act_for_nature_and_landcape_conservation_.28Bundesnaturschutzgesetz.29 + |
National Forest Act 1975 (Bundeswaldgesetz) + | National_Forest_Act_1975_.28Bundeswaldgesetz.29 + |
National Forest Programme (Romania) + | National_Forest_Programme + |
National Forest Programme (Turkey) + | National_Forest_Programme + |
National Forest Programme, 2015 (Finland) + | National_Forest_Programme.2C_2015_.28Finland.29 + |
Facts about "Encodedname"
Has type "Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | Text + |