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Licenses for the use of pinecones and pine nuts

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Brief description of the instrument and its modus operandi

With this law the use of closed pinecones Pinus pinea L. (pine) is regulated

Which problem the instrument is supposed to solve?

A pinecones forest producers of pine inventory in Castilla y León and the section of companies authorized for uses of closed pine cone in Castilla y León is created and regulated.

Purpose or main objective / overall goal of the instrument?

It is a measure that contributes to the professionalization of the sector: any company that wants to exploit on pine pinecone closed must be in the Register of Companies and Forest Industries. This will ensure the fulfillment of minimum professional requirements, while enabling the management control of the staff working in the bush, in order to achieve greater product protection and, by extension, the natural environment.

Side objectives/goals of the instrument?

Considering the economic importance of the use of pine pinecone, including further processing and marketing, and circumstances that are affecting the use of closed pineapple pine forests of of Castilla y León in order to protect the pine forest owners, it

Innovation content or potential of the instrument?

It´ll increase the product quality when it is destined for trade.

Which laws and regulations support the implement of this instrument?

FYM/744/2012 Order of August 27, by amending MAM/875/2011 Order of 24 June, which regules the use of closed pinecone (Pinus pinea L.), and the creation of the inventory of pinecone forest producers in Castilla y León and the section of authorized companies to use the closed pinecone (Pinus pinea L.) in Castilla y León.

The initiator/promoter of the instrument?

Joint public-private initiative

Which organizations are involved in the operationalization of the instrument?

Junta de Castilla y León // Forests owners associations

How the monitoring is ensured?

We have defined in this questionnaire instruments in the field of mushrooms, resin and pinecones and pine nuts. All these actions are supervised by the body ranger dependent Castilla y León, as well as the civil service SEPRONA guard, and state security bodies. Pinecones and pine nuts // This is pretty good NWFP legislated so that the monitoring of the entire process from which the resource is harvested until it reaches the final consumer, is well defined. // Exploitation is defined by the issuance of a license utilization. During collection, in line with the law, you can determine the traceability of the product at all times. In the face of marketing, again through legislation rating for a specific business trading ensures pine nuts and pineapples.

How the compliance is ensured?

In the case of NWFPs described before, compliance is ensured through the harvest limits established in licenses both recreational use and commercial use. With no body exclusively NWFPs protection nowadays, these quantities are checked by enforcement state bodies SEPRONA through special campaigns due to the seasonality of the resources . // In Pinecones and pine nuts case, only licensed collectors can make the sale of pineapples industries buyers and intermediaries

How is the overall performance of the instrument?

The pine and pine nuts are definitely the best case legislated resource, defined and protected. From the territories of exploitation, the registered companies that can perform the development, public market negotiation tables, product traceability and marketing standards thereof, ensure quality end product. Its projection is the community of Castilla y León and national level. According to data given by the Junta de Castilla y León, pro+duction has fallen pine nuts. The poor performance pine nuts detected in the 2012-2013 campaign, which has been reduced to 1.8%, is due to the high percentage of vain pine nuts observed in the samples, which has reached an average value of 47%. The causes of this decline in performance will be investigated with studies devoted to obtain performance data from the 2013/2014 campaign and identify possible causes of the high percentage of empty sprockets identified in this campaign


Order FYM/744/2012; Order MAM/341/2008 ; R/R 30/2009 ; Order AYG/1815 ; Stakeholders consultation ; Junta de Castilla y León newsletter and mail consultation

Brief description of the context for the emergence of the instrument

Pinecones and Pine nuts: The 2013-2014 campaign was characterized by a lower production of which is remembered and coincides with a period in which there has been a 50 % performance pinion pineapple doing even more problematic obtaining valuable product ( Pine nuts). // Pineapple production has fallen alarmingly making numerous forests in the forest associated to the Province of Valladolid foresters association is not going to make the harvest because it is below the limit of the profitability. // The droughts of recent years and the smaller crop pests have made this 2013-2014 campaign is of a worse recall of the last 10 years. // Private owners are concerned about the decline of the pineapple harvest, only income earned by forest owners who see this year, do not produce pinecone. // Forest owners can expect to provide solutions to the dispersion and fragmentation of forest properties, urgent and necessary to be performing groups and land consolidation, as these lands were left out of the proceedings initiated on farms.

Have any of the items mentioned above changed since the instrument entered into force?



Pinecones and pine nuts: pending to stakeholders answer.

Year 2011
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity Harvesting/Production
Affected actors Landowner/land manager, Picker/harvester/hunter
Products Nuts, Other NWFP
Subject NWFP
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone South West Europe
Countries Spain
Regions (NUTS 2) Castile and León
Focus on NWFP Direct
Document category
Instrument type Regulatory, Economic
Legal status Binding
Geographical scope Regional
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