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Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Marvão”

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This Order is composed of two articles and one Annex. It institutes the Forestry intervention area “Marvão”, in the Municipality of Marvão and Portalegre, comprising an area of 7 647 ha. The Annex provides a map with the borders of the afore-said area.

Source link
http://www.icnf.pt/portal/florestas/gf/zif/dzif/resour/fich/alent/desp2-12-zif-marvao (in portuguese)

Full reference
Order No. n.º 2/2012/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Marvão”€.

Year 2012
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity Harvesting/Production
Affected actors Landowner/land manager
Products Game, Nuts, Berries, Bark/cork, Mushrooms/truffles
Subject NWFP, Nature conservation, Forests, Access
Countries Portugal
Regions (NUTS 2) Alentejo Region
Focus on NWFP
Document category
Instrument type
Legal status
"{{{Legal status }}}" is not in the list of possible values (Binding, Non-binding) for this property.
Geographical scope Local
More information about properties

Affected activityHarvesting/Production +
Affected actorsLandowner/land manager +
ClassPolicy +
CountriesPortugal +
EncodednameInstitution_of_the_Forestry_intervention_.28ZIF.29_area_.E2.80.9CMarv.C3.A3o.E2.80.9D +
Full referenceOrder No. n.º 2/2012/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Marvão”€. +
Geographical scopeLocal +
Lcnameinstitution of the forestry intervention (zif) area “marvão” +
NameInstitution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Marvão” +
Policy areaForestry +
ProductsGame +, Nuts +, Berries +, Bark/cork + and Mushrooms/truffles +
Reference ID102 +
RegionsAlentejo Region +
Response setPedro Ochôa Carvalho +
Source linkhttp://www.icnf.pt/portal/florestas/gf/zif/dzif/resour/fich/alent/desp2-12-zif-marvao (in portuguese) +
SubjectNWFP +, Nature conservation +, Forests + and Access +
Year2012 +