Lower case property for name of the policy. This exist for query purposes. No need to assign this individually for policies if template is used. Type text.
Pages using the property "Encodedname"
Showing 24 pages using this property.
T | |
The new EU Forest Strategy + | The_new_EU_Forest_Strategy + |
Theft Act 1968 + | Theft_Act_1968 + |
Torggelen (chestnut-wine touristic package) + | Torggelen_.28chestnut-wine_touristic_package.29 + |
Traceability of pinecones and pine nuts + | Traceability_of_pinecones_and_pine_nuts + |
Training of beekeepers on different aspects + | Training_of_beekeepers_on_different_aspects + |
Trentino Forest Law 11/07 + | Trentino_Forest_Law_11.2F07 + |
Trentino Hunting Law 24/91 + | Trentino_Hunting_Law_24.2F91 + |
Trentino Mushroom Law 16/91 + | Trentino_Mushroom_Law_16.2F91 + |
Trentino NWFP Law 23-25/09 + | Trentino_NWFP_Law_23-25.2F09 + |
Trespass (Scotland) Act 1865 + | Trespass_.28Scotland.29_Act_1865 + |
Truffle law 752/85 + | Truffle_law_752.2F85 + |
Truffle regulation + | Truffle_regulation + |
U | |
UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) + | UK_Woodland_Assurance_Standard_.28UKWAS.29 + |
V | |
VAT reimbursement + | VAT_reimbursement + |
VAT reimbursement for NWFP producers + | VAT_reimbursement_for_NWFP_producers + |
Values and use on NWFPs in Croatia + | Values_and_use_on_NWFPs_in_Croatia + |
W | |
Wild Game Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1995 + | Wild_Game_Meat_.28Hygiene_and_Inspection.29_Regulations_1995 + |
Wild Venison Standard + | Wild_Venison_Standard + |
Wild game and hunting act, 2004 (Slovenia) + | Wild_game_and_hunting_act.2C_2004_.28Slovenia.29 + |
Wild game damage compensations + | Wild_game_damage_compensations + |
Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 + | Wildlife_and_Natural_Environment_.28Scotland.29_Act_2011 + |
Woodlands and You + | Woodlands_and_You + |
Working Woods Label + | Working_Woods_Label + |
Working guidelines 297/2013 + | Working_guidelines_297.2F2013 + |
Facts about "Encodedname"
Has type "Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | Text + |