Lower case property for name of the policy. This exist for query purposes. No need to assign this individually for policies if template is used. Type text.
Pages using the property "Encodedname"
Showing 25 pages using this property.
O | |
Order from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector + | Order_from_15th_of_July_1991.2C_about_regulation_of_the_truffle_sector + |
P | |
Payments for recreational harvest activity + | Payments_for_recreational_harvest_activity + |
Pests Act 1954 (UK) + | Pests_Act_1954 + |
Pilot Plan regulating the harvesting of mushrooms in the area of Poblet + | Pilot_Plan_regulating_the_harvesting_of_mushrooms_in_the_area_of_Poblet + |
Placement of bee hives on public land + | Placement_of_bee_hives_on_public_land + |
Plans for mycological use (Micodata) + | Plans_for_mycological_use_.28Micodata.29 + |
Plans for mycological use. + | Plans_for_mycological_use. + |
Plant Health Act 1967 (UK) + | Plant_Health_Act_1967 + |
Policy and strategy for forest sector development in Romania + | Policy_and_strategy_for_forest_sector_development_in_Romania + |
Products of the wild label + | Products_of_the_wild_label + |
Produs in Bucovina / Made in Bucovina + | Produs_in_Bucovina_.2F_Made_in_Bucovina + |
Program on fostering of competitiveness and internationalization of Serbian economy + | Fostering_competitiveness_and_internationalization_of_Serbian_economy + |
Programme for rehabilitation of cork Oak and Holm Oak "Montados" + | Programme_for_rehabilitation_of_cork_Oak_and_Holm_Oak_.22Montados.22 + |
Promoting traditional collection and use of wild plants to reduce social and economic disparities in Central Europe + | Promoting_traditional_collection_and_use_of_wild_plants_to_reduce_social_and_economic_disparities_in_Central_Europe + |
Public Order Act, 2003 (Finland) + | Public_Order_Act.2C_2003_.28Finland.29 + |
Public tender for co-financing sustainable game management + | Public_tender_for_co-financing_sustainable_game_management + |
Q | |
Quality label for medicinal and aromatic plan + | quality_label_for_medicinal_and_aromatic_plan + |
R | |
RDP Measure 214: landscape maintenance + | RDP_Measure_214:_landscape_maintenance + |
RDP Measure 227: chestnut forest maintenance + | RDP_Measure_227:_chestnut_forest_maintenance + |
RDP measure 111: education program to cultivate minor fruits + | RDP_measure_111:_education_program_to_cultivate_minor_fruits + |
RDP measure 123: production of fruits + | RDP_measure_123:_production_of_fruits + |
RDP measure 132: support to the high quality product production + | RDP_measure_132:_support_to_the_high_quality_product_production + |
RDP measure 214: opportunities for berries + | RDP_measure_214:_opportunities_for_berries + |
RDP measures: grants for establishing and managing hedges + | RDP_measures:_grants_for_establishing_and_managing_hedges + |
REGULATION (CE) No 629/2008 (02/07/2008) amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs + | REGULATION_.28CE.29_No_629.2F2008_.2802.2F07.2F2008.29_amending_Regulation_.28EC.29_No_1881.2F2006_setting_maximum_levels_for_certain_contaminants_in_foodstuffs + |
Facts about "Encodedname"
Has type "Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki. | Text + |