Deletion log
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 17:31, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Maankäyttö- ja rakennuslaki (Land use and building act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Land use and building act, 1999 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:31, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Laki yksityisistä teistä (The Private Roads Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Private Roads Act, 1962 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:30, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Laki rikoslain muuttamisesta (Penal code) (content was: "#REDIRECT Law on Amending the Penal Code, 1990 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:29, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Laki Puolustusvoimista (Act on the Defence Forces) (content was: "#REDIRECT Act on the Defence Forces, 2007 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:29, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Rajavartiolaki (Border Guard Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Border Guard Act, 2005 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:29, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Pelastuslaki (Rescue Act ) (content was: "#REDIRECT Rescue Act, 2011 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:28, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Kokoontumislaki (Assembly Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Assembly Act, 1999 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:28, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Kalastuslaki (Fishing Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Fishing Act, 1982 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:28, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Kaivoslaki (Mining Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Mining Act, 2011 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:28, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Järjestyslaki (Public Order Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Public Order Act, 2003 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:28, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Jätelaki (The Waste Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Waste Act, 2011 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:28, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Eläinsuojelulaki (Animal Welfare Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Animal Welfare Act, 1996 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:27, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Elintarvikelaki (Food Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Food Act, 2006 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:25, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Perustuslaki (The Constitution of Finland) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Constitution of Finland, 1999 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:25, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Valtioneuvoston asetus luonnonsuojeluasetuksen muuttamisesta (Government Decree amending the Nature Conservation Decree) (content was: "#REDIRECT Government Decree amending the Nature Conservation Decree 2005 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:25, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Vesilaki (The Water Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Water Act, 2011 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:25, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Vesiliikennelaki (The Water Traffic Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Water Traffic Act, 1996 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:25, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Ympäristönsuojelulaki (Environmental protection Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Environmental protection Act, 2000 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:25, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Ympäristönsuojeluasetus (Environmental Protection Decree) (content was: "#REDIRECT Environmental Protection Decree, 2000 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Muinaismuistolaki (Antiquities Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Antiquities Act, 1963 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Metsästyslaki (The Hunting Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT The Hunting Act, 1993 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Metsälaki (Forest Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Forest Act, 1996 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Maastoliikennelaki (Cross-Country Traffic Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Cross-Country Traffic Act, 1995 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Maastoliikenneasetus (Cross-country Traffic Decree) (content was: "#REDIRECT Cross-country Traffic Decree, 1996 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Luonnonsuojeluasetus (Nature conservation decree) (content was: "#REDIRECT Nature conservation decree, 1997 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:24, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Luonnonsuojelulaki (Nature conservation act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Nature conservation act, 1996 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:23, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Asetus soidensuojelualueista (Decree on mire protection areas) (content was: "#REDIRECT Decree on mire protection areas, 1981 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:23, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Aluevalvontalaki (Territorial Surveillance Act) (content was: "#REDIRECT Territorial Surveillance Act, 2000 (Finland)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 17:23, 21 September 2016 Admin (talk | contribs) deleted page Acts on forests and rules on the protection of forests (content was: "#REDIRECT Rules on the protection of forests, 2000 (Slovenia)", and the only contributor was "Admin" (talk))
- 16:53, 21 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Local Action Groups â Axis 4 LEADER (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Local Action Groups â Axis 4 LEADER |Year=2014-2020 |Policy area=Rural Development |Affected activity=...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:38, 21 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page West Wales and The Valleys (content was: "to be deleted", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:41, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Regulations on forest and agricultural ground (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Regulations on forest and agricultural ground |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Christmas trees |Countries=Austria |Regions=Styria |Scope=Regional |Subject=NWFP |Zone=Centr...")
- 18:41, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page CITES regulations (content was: "{{European policy |Name=CITES regulations |Year=1975 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade |Products=Game,Herbs/plants |Countries=Turkey |Regions=Bursa Subregion |Legal status of policy document=Binding |Scope=Intern...")
- 18:40, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Agreements between landowners and moss pickers (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Agreements between landowners and moss pickers |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Moss |Countries=UK |Regions=Eastern Scotland |Legal status of policy document=Non-binding |...")
- 18:40, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Consulting assitance for quality assurance of honey products (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Consulting assitance for quality assurance of honey products |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Use/consumption |Products=Honey and Bee products |Countries=Slovenia |Regions=Western Slovenia |Legal status...")
- 18:40, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Commercial harvesting permits (Turkey) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Commercial harvesting permits |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Berries,Nuts,Fruits |Countries=Turkey |Regions=Bursa Subregion |Legal status of policy do...")
- 18:39, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Veterinary check on meet, special approval for trophies (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Veterinary check on meet, special approval for trophies |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade |Products=Game |Countries=Romania |Regions=North East region |Legal status of policy document=Bind...")
- 18:39, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Hunting regulations (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Hunting regulations |Year=2003 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Game |Countries=Turkey |Regions=Bursa Subregion |Legal status of policy document=Binding |Scope=National |S...")
- 18:37, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Organic mushrooms and berries (Finland) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Organic mushrooms and berries (Finland) |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Use/consumption |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Berries |Countries=Finland |Regions=North Karelia |Legal status of policy document=No...")
- 18:37, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Hunting Law (Spain) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Hunting Law (Spain) |Year=1970 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade,Harvesting/Production |Products=Game |Countries=Spain |Regions=Catalonia |Legal status of policy document=Binding |Scope=Na...")
- 18:37, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Local auctions for the use of resin on public utility forests (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Local auctions for the use of resin on public utility forests |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Resin |Countries=Spain |Regions=Castile and León |Legal status of policy do...")
- 18:37, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Certificates of origin (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Certificates of origin |Year=2009 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade,Use/consumption |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Berries,Nuts,Fruits,Honey and Bee products |Countries=Romania |Regions=Nort...")
- 18:37, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Constitution, statutes, regulations concerning harvesting NWFPs (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Constitution, statutes, regulations concerning harvesting NWFPs |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Berries,Nuts,Fruits |Countries=Turkey |Regions=Bursa Su...")
- 18:36, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Monitoring regulations (christmas trees) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Monitoring regulations (christmas trees) |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Christmas trees |Countries=Austria |Regions=Styria |Scope=Regional |Subject=NWFP |Zone=Central Eu...")
- 18:36, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Multiyear marketing agreements (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Multiyear marketing agreements |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade |Products=Resin |Countries=Spain |Regions=Castile and León |Legal status of policy document=Non-binding |Scope=Local |Subj...")
- 18:36, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page License fees (content was: "{{European policy |Name=License fees |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Game,Berries |Countries=Romania |Regions=North East region |Legal status of policy document=Binding |Scope...")
- 18:35, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Edible mushrooms quality standards (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Edible mushrooms quality standards |Year=1984 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade,Use/consumption |Products=Mushrooms/truffles |Countries=Spain |Regions=Castile and León |Legal status of po...")
- 18:35, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Collection permits for harvesting Asparragus (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Collection permits for harvesting Asparragus |Year=1994 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Other NWFP |Countries=Croatia |Legal status of policy document=Binding |Scope=Nati...")
- 18:35, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Code of Practice for Deer Management (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Code of Practice for Deer Management |Year=2011 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Game |Countries=Uk |Regions=Eastern Scotland |Legal status of policy document=Non-binding...")
- 18:35, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Technical-sanitary regulation (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Technical-sanitary regulation |Year=2009 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade,Use/consumption |Products=Mushrooms/truffles |Countries=Spain |Regions=Castile and León |Legal status of policy...")