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Revision history of "Slovenian honey with protected geographical indication (SHPGI)"

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Affected activityMarketing/trade + and Use/consumption +
Affected actorsPicker/harvester/hunter +, Producer/beekeeper +, Consumer + and Retailer +
ClassPolicy +
CountriesSlovenia +
Document categoryInstrument +
EncodednameSlovenian_honey_with_protected_geographical_indication_.28SHPGI.29 +
FocusDirect +
Full referencePravilnik za slovenski med z zaščiteno geografsko označbo (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 46/2009 (EVA 2009-2311-0103; SOP 2009-01-2275)) +
Geographical scopeNational +
InitiatorPublic/private +
Instrument typeRegulatory + and Information +
Lcnameslovenian honey with protected geographical indication (shpgi) +
Legal statusNon-binding +
NameSlovenian honey with protected geographical indication (SHPGI) +
Policy areaAgriculture and Rural Development +, Forestry +, Food safety + and Product labelling and packaging +
ProductsHoney and Bee products +
Reference ID351 +
RegionsWestern Slovenia +
Response setSlovenia Instrument A1 - Agent 1 Pickers +
SubjectEdible NWFP +
Year2009 +
ZoneSouth East Europe +