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Local Action Groups – Axis 4 LEADER

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Brief description of the instrument and its modus operandi

Rural network Local Action Groups are delivery bodies for Rural Development Plan axes 3 and 4 projects in Wales Axes 3 and 4 of the Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013 relate to the quality of life in rural areas, and 'LEADER' locally based approaches to rural development. Each of the organisations named below works within one County in Wales, and each is structured differently. The majority are led by the relevant local authority, though some are private companies or partnerships. Each County runs their programmes differently though the aims and objectives for each are the same: Axis 3 aims to improve the quality of life in rural areas and promote the diversification of the rural economy in a variety of ways: promoting village renewal and development, encouraging tourism, supporting micro-enterprises and improving basic rural services. Axis 3 strives to nurture rural heritage, while also providing training and information to those actively involved in rural economies. Axis 3 cannot support primary processing of agricultural and forestry products, but can support secondary processing. Axis 4 uses the 'LEADER' approach to encourage people to become involved in improving and developing their rural communities. In particular Axis 4 aims to generate new innovative ways in which to sustain long-term development in Wales. Axis 4 works across all sectors, with particular measures targeted at farming and forestry diversification. Local action groups in the West Wales and The Valleys region include:

A) Menter Mon, Anglesey. B) Bridgend Rural Partnership. D) Caerphilly Rural Development Partnership. E) Grwp Cefn Gwlad Carmarthenshire. F) Ceredigion Economic Regeneration Partnership. G) Rural Conwy Local Action Group. H) Cadwyn Clwyd, Denbighshire. I) Gwynedd Economic Partnership. J) Rural Action Merthyr. K) Neath Port Talbot Regeneration Partnership. L) Pembrokeshire Advance (Planed). M) Powys Regeneration Partnership (Glasu). N) Swansea Rural Development Partnership. O) Torfaen County Borough Council. P) Rural Partnership for the Vale of Glamorgan.

Which problem the instrument is supposed to solve?

Decline in GDP in rural areas being greater than that of the UK as a whole. Difficulty in accessing services and availability of services brought about by low investment in infrastructure, difficult trade links and low population.

Purpose or main objective / overall goal of the instrument?

Both Axes aim to increase the quality of life in rural areas by stimulating economic activity and capacity building within communities. Helping the businesses and communities of rural Wales to become more competitive through targeted funding and support across a number of measures and sectors.

Side objectives/goals of the instrument?

a) Developing Local Action Groups and building local partnership capacity, animation and promotion of skills acquisition. b) Improving endogenous development potential through capacity building and needs audits. c) Improving local governance by foster

Innovation content or potential of the instrument?

One of the key objectives – noted above, in this instrument is the support for innovation and entrepreneurship, and the facility for Counties to identify the problems inherent in their areas and tailor schemes and measures/interventions to fit. The instrument has huge potential to have sustainable and lasting impact in rural Wales.

Which laws and regulations support the implement of this instrument?

Rural Development Plan for Wales 2007-2013

The initiator/promoter of the instrument?

Government agency: European Union and Welsh Government funded programme. Promoted in each County by Local Action Group (list in question 5 above)

Which organizations are involved in the operationalization of the instrument?

Overall programme is managed by the Welsh Government, with each Counties’ individual programme managed by a different Local Action Group.

What roles do these organisation play in each of them?

The Local Action Groups apply to become a provider of RDP programmes in their area, and put together an action plan for their County detailing what target measures they wish to run and how and if approved take on the responsibility of delivering that programme with attendant monitoring and reporting to Welsh Government. The Welsh Government is, in turn responsible for reporting to the EU.

How the monitoring is ensured?

Monitoring is undertaken quarterly with evidence of performance against targets and measures being submitted to Welsh Government along with each claim for funding. Each LAG must undertake internal auditing of their measures and individual programmes before submitting claims to WG. Each LAG must also undertake an evaluation of their Counties’ programme towards the end of the funding period. At the Welsh Government level, monitoring is the responsibility of the programme monitoring committee - Under the Rural Development Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) 1698/2005) each rural development programme is required to establish a Monitoring Committee which will “satisfy itself as to the effectiveness of the implementation of the Programme”. The Regulation requires representation on the Committee from organisations of: a) the competent regional, local authority and other public authorities  b) the economic and social partners   c) any other appropriate body representing civil society, non -governmental organisations, including environmental organisations, and bodies responsible for promoting equality between men and women.

How the compliance is ensured?

It is difficult to give an overview of the performance of the whole programme, as it entails many different LAG’s performance. The Welsh Government commissions a mid-term evaluation of the project – see link below - which looks at the performance of all aspects and all axes of the programme. This combined with the final evaluation informs the priorities of future programmes. Each Lag is also obliged to procure its own evaluation of their individual programmes towards the end of the programme. The majority of these are taking place or starting over the next six months. ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rurdev/countries/uk/mte-rep-uk-wales_en.pdf



Brief description of the context for the emergence of the instrument

Follow on programme from previous RDP. Cahnges in prioirty from last programme due to EU direction and country led issues.

Have any of the items mentioned above changed since the instrument entered into force?



Specify references: Mid-term evaluation of programme completed – see link below. Final evaluation due to take place in next 12 months ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rurdev/countries/uk/mte-rep-uk-wales_en.pdf

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Full reference
Local Action Groups – Axis 4 LEADER

Year 2014-2020
The date "2014-2020" was not understood.
Policy area
Affected activity Marketing/trade, Harvesting/Production, Use/consumption
Affected actors
Products Other NWFP
Subject NWFP
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone North West Europe
Countries United Kingdom
Regions (NUTS 2) West Wales and The Valleys
Focus on NWFP
Document category
Instrument type Economic, Information
Legal status Non-binding
Geographical scope National
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