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The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010

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Full reference
The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 No.490

Related to

The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 (1994)

Year {{{Year}}}
The date "{{{Year}}}" was not understood.
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity
Affected actors
Products Game, Nuts, Berries, Bark/cork, Mushrooms/truffles
Subject NWFP, Nature conservation
Countries United Kingdom
Regions (NUTS 2) West Wales and The Valleys
Focus on NWFP
Document category
Instrument type
Legal status
"{{{Legal status }}}" is not in the list of possible values (Binding, Non-binding) for this property.
Geographical scope National
More information about properties

ClassPolicy +
CountriesUnited Kingdom +
EncodednameThe_Conservation_of_Habitats_and_Species_Regulations_2010 +
Full referenceThe Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 No.490 +
Geographical scopeNational +
Lcnamethe conservation of habitats and species regulations 2010 +
NameThe Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 +
Policy areaForestry +
ProductsGame +, Nuts +, Berries +, Bark/cork + and Mushrooms/truffles +
RegionsWest Wales and The Valleys +
Response setDefault +
SubjectNWFP + and Nature conservation +