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Full reference
Pravilnik o katastru čebelje paše, čebelarskem pašnem redu in programu napovedi medenja (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 60/2013 (EVA 2012-2330-0246; SOP 2013-01-2394))

Year 2013
Policy area Agriculture and Rural Development, Forestry
Affected activity Harvesting/Production
Affected actors Landowner/land manager, Producer/beekeeper
Products Honey and Bee products
Subject Edible NWFP, NWFP
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone South East Europe
Countries Slovenia
Regions (NUTS 2) Western Slovenia
Focus on NWFP Direct
Document category Law
Instrument type Regulatory
Legal status Binding
Geographical scope National
More information about properties

Affected activityHarvesting/Production +
Affected actorsLandowner/land manager + and Producer/beekeeper +
ClassPolicy +
CountriesSlovenia +
Document categoryLaw +
EncodednameRules_on_the_register_of_bee_forage_sources.2C_bee_forage_organisation_and_the_bee_forage_forecast_programme.2C_2013_.28Slovenia.29 +
FocusDirect +
Full referencePravilnik o katastru čebelje paÅ¡e, čebelarskem paÅ¡nem redu in programu napovedi medenja (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No 60/2013 (EVA 2012-2330-0246; SOP 2013-01-2394)) +
Geographical scopeNational +
InitiatorPublic +
Instrument typeRegulatory +
Lcnamerules on the register of bee forage sources, bee forage organisation and the bee forage forecast programme, 2013 (slovenia) +
Legal statusBinding +
NameRules on the register of bee forage sources, bee forage organisation and the bee forage forecast programme, 2013 (Slovenia) +
Policy areaAgriculture and Rural Development + and Forestry +
ProductsHoney and Bee products +
RegionsWestern Slovenia +
Source linkhttp://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=PRAV11485 +
SubjectEdible NWFP + and NWFP +
Year2013 +
ZoneSouth East Europe +