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Law 30/28-02-2006 - Law regarding rules for public health for the use of wild edible mushrooms


The law sets regulation regarding the harvesting, transport, commercialization, processing and the use of such mushrooms.

The main requirements are: - the processing of mushrooms has to be done only after has been controlled by a specialized inspector from the public health authority - the commercialization of mushrooms has to be done only in authorised places and only on the base of an authorization for commercialization emitted by a specialised inspector from the public health authority

- the transport of the mushrooms from a processing place to the market place has to be done based on the authorisation for commercialization

Full reference
Legea 30/28-02-2006 - privind regulile de s?n?tate public? la folosirea ciupercilor din flora spontan?

Year {{{Year}}}
The date "{{{Year}}}" was not understood.
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity
Affected actors
Products Mushrooms/truffles
Subject NWFP
Countries Romania
Regions (NUTS 2) North East region
Focus on NWFP
Document category
Instrument type
Legal status
"{{{Legal status }}}" is not in the list of possible values (Binding, Non-binding) for this property.
Geographical scope National
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