Revision history of "Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Viso e Anexas”."
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Affected activity | Harvesting/Production + |
Affected actors | Landowner/land manager + |
Class | Policy + |
Countries | Portugal + |
Encodedname | Institution_of_the_Forestry_intervention_.28ZIF.29_area_.E2.80.9CViso_e_Anexas.E2.80.9D.C2.80.C2.9D. + |
Full reference | Order No. 19/2011/ZIF instituting the Forestry intervention area “Viso e Anexas”. + |
Geographical scope | Local + |
Lcname | institution of the forestry intervention (zif) area “viso e anexas”. + |
Name | Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area “Viso e Anexas”. + |
Policy area | Forestry + |
Products | Game +, Nuts +, Berries +, Bark/cork + and Mushrooms/truffles + |
Reference ID | 108 + |
Regions | Alentejo Region + |
Response set | Pedro Ochôa Carvalho + |
Source link | (in portuguese) + |
Subject | NWFP +, Nature conservation +, Forests + and Access + |
Year | 2011 + |