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Forest management certification (Romania)

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Brief description of the instrument and its modus operandi

It is a voluntary certification under the FSC scheme

Which problem the instrument is supposed to solve?

Provides the guarantee that the forest is managed in a sustainable way, but only the timber is certified not the NWFPs. Nevertheless, some principles of the certification require that NWFPs are used in a sustainable way.

Purpose or main objective / overall goal of the instrument?

To certify that the forest management is in agreement with the principles of SFM

Side objectives/goals of the instrument?

Assure the supply of certified timber at the pressure of timber processing companies with exports

Innovation content or potential of the instrument?

Improve the quality of the forest management especially on the social and ecological side

Which laws and regulations support the implement of this instrument?

FSC standards

The initiator/promoter of the instrument?

Third party: WWF was actively involved to promote certification in Romania

Which organizations are involved in the operationalization of the instrument?

National forest administration and Woodmark Soil Association

How the monitoring is ensured?

The certification body monitors once per year the compliance with the standards for certifications. In case of complains from a third party the certification body can also come and check the validity of the compliance and withdraw the certificate/

How the compliance is ensured?

In case of non compliance with a certain criteria the organisation which is certified receives a minor or a major CAR (clarification requests). Minor CARs have to be solved in one year, major CARs in three months

How is the overall performance of the instrument?

The certification of the forest management has increased constantly from 2006 until now not only in the forests managed by NFA but also in the private forest. In overall improvements to the normal management have been done especially with the identification of HCVF and stakeholder consultations.

Additional comments

The process of certification has faced important reactions from the forest engineers as being accused that it brings more bureaucracy and no economic benefits


Nichiforel, Solon, 2010, A SWOT analysis of the implementation of FSC certification in Suceava County

Brief description of the context for the emergence of the instrument

The external pressure on NFA to certify parts of productions as to allow companies to be able to supply certified timber on the external markets

Have any of the items mentioned above changed since the instrument entered into force?


Is there any qualitative or quantitative study of the impacts of the instrument?

Yes, please specify


There is a master thesis conducted on the perception of forest engineers on the implementation of the certification in the Suceava County (available in Romanian)

Year 2005
Policy area
Affected activity
Affected actors Landowner/land manager, Processor
Products Other NWFP
Countries Romania
Regions (NUTS 2) North East region
Focus on NWFP
Document category
Instrument type
Legal status
"{{{Legal status }}}" is not in the list of possible values (Binding, Non-binding) for this property.
Geographical scope Regional
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