Deletion log
Below is a list of the most recent deletions.
(newest | oldest) View (newer 50 | older 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)- 18:35, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Scientific and cultural permissions (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Scientific and cultural permissions |Year=2001 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Mushrooms/truffles |Countries=Spain |Regions=Castile and León |Legal status of policy docu...")
- 18:34, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Gamekeeping national vocational qualification (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Gamekeeping national vocational qualification |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting/Production |Products=Game |Countries=UK |Regions=Eastern Scotland |Legal status of policy document=Non-binding |S...")
- 18:34, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page FSC certification (content was: "{{European policy |Name=FSC certification |Year=2005 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Marketing/trade,Use/consumption |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Berries,Nuts,Fruits |Countries=Romania |Regions=North East region |Legal status...")
- 18:34, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Forestry Commission Byelaws (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Forestry Commission Byelaws |Regions=Eastern Scotland |Scope=Regional |Response set=Default |Subject=Access |Policy domain=Forestry |Class=Policy |Policy area=Forestry |ID=249 }}")
- 18:34, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006 |Products=Game,Nuts,Berries,Bark/cork,Mushrooms/truffles |Regions=West Wales and The Valleys |Full reference=Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2...")
- 18:34, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page The Natural Resources Body for Wales Order 2013 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=The Natural Resources Body for Wales Order 2013 |Regions=West Wales and The Valleys |Full reference=The Natural Resources Body for Wales Order 2013 |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Subject=Nature conse...")
- 18:33, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (UK) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (UK) |Products=All NWFP |Regions=West Wales and the Valleys |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Subject=Access, NWFP, Nature Conservation |Class=Policy |Policy area=Forestry |A...")
- 18:33, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 |Regions=West Wales and The Valleys |Full reference=National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 c.97 |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Sub...")
- 18:33, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Forestry Commission Bylaws 1982 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Forestry Commission Bylaws 1982 |Products=Nuts,Berries,Bark/cork,Mushrooms/truffles |Regions=West Wales and The Valleys |Full reference=Forestry Commission Bylaws 1982 Statutory Instrument No.648 |Scope=Nati...")
- 18:33, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Commons Act 2006 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Commons Act 2006 |Products=Nuts,Berries,Bark/cork,Mushrooms/truffles |Regions=West Wales and The Valleys |Full reference=Commons Act 2006 c.26 |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Subject=NWFP,Access |Poli...")
- 18:32, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Royal Decree 1891/2008 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Royal Decree 1891/2008 |Regions=Castile and León |Full reference=Royal Decree 1891/2008, of 14 November (registration of seed and nursery plants producers)) |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Subject=Forests...")
- 18:32, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Royal Decree 58/2005 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Royal Decree 58/2005 |Regions=Castile and León |Full reference=Royal Decree 58/2005, of 21 January (by adopting protective measures against to plant products) |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Subject=Forest...")
- 18:32, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Law 43/2003 and law 10/2006 (Spain) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Law 43/2003 and law 10/2006 |Products=Nuts,Berries |Regions=Castile and León |Full reference=Law 43/2003, of 21 November, of forests, and law 10/2006, of 28 April, amending the law 43/2003. |Scope=National |Respo...")
- 18:32, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page APA/326/2007 Order (content was: "{{European policy |Name=APA/326/2007 Order |Regions=Castile and León |Full reference=APA/326/2007 Order of 9 February, laying down the obligations of holders of agriculture and forestry about registration of information for the use of...")
- 18:31, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Royal Decree 30/2009 (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Royal Decree 30/2009 |Products=Mushrooms/truffles |Regions=Castile and León |Full reference=Royal Decree 30/2009, of January 16, laying down the health conditions for the marketing of mushrooms for food. |Scope=N...")
- 18:31, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Act on forests (Slovenia) (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Act on forests |Regions=Western Slovenia |Full reference=Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia 30/1993 (Zakon o gozdovih), (Ur.l. RS 30/1993), Published in Uradni list RS, nr. 1299/10.06.1993, with amendmen...")
- 18:16, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Forestry Act (2009): use of NWFP (content was: "{{European policy |ID=450 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:12, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Südtirol Hunting Law 141/87 (content was: "{{European policy |ID=193 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:11, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Civil Code (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Civil Code |Products=Game,Nuts,Berries,Bark/cork,Mushrooms/truffles |Regions=Trentino-South Tyrol |Full reference=Royal Decree, 16 May 1942, n. 262 |Scope=National |Response set=Default |Subject=NWFP,Forests,Acces...")
- 18:08, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Catalan Forest Law (content was: "{{European policy |ID=380 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:04, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Mandatory training of collectors (content was: "{{European policy |ID=459 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:03, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Label of origin for Christmas tree (content was: "{{European policy |ID=382 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:02, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Collection permits for harvesting asparagus in Croatiaâs state forests (content was: "{{European policy |ID=562 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:01, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Südtirol NWFP Harvesting Law 6/10 (content was: "{{European policy |ID=200 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:01, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Nature Conservation Act (Germany) (content was: "{{European policy |ID=376 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 18:01, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page The National Parks Law No: 2873 (09/8/1983, amended â¦) (content was: "{{European policy |ID=111 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:58, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Forest Act: harvesting regulations (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Forest Act: harvesting regulations |Year=1987 |Policy domain=Forestry |Affected activity=Harvesting |Products=Mushrooms/truffles,Bark/cork,Berries,Nuts,Fruits,Other NWFP |Countries=Austria |Regions=Styria |Legal s...")
- 17:57, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Decree-Law No. 124/2006 Regulation the National Forest Protection System. (content was: "{{European policy |ID=117 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:52, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Niedersächsisches Gesetz über den Wald und die Landschaftsordnung NWaldLG (content was: "{{European policy |ID=240 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:51, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Hunting Act (1993) (content was: "{{European policy |ID=427 |Related to=398 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:32, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Hunting license (content was: "{{European policy |ID=548 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:28, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page National Forest Programme (content was: "{{European policy |Name=National Forest Programme |Year=2005 |Affected activity=Innovation/R&D,Harvesting/Production,Marketing/trade,Use/consumption |Products=Game,Berries,Mushrooms/truffles,Herbs/plants,Other NWFP,Resin,Honey and Bee pr...")
- 17:26, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Protection of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands (content was: "{{European policy |ID=126 |Related to=123 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:24, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page UKWAS certification scheme (content was: "{{European policy |ID=433 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:19, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Tax exemption for selling for any NWFP ( and agricultural products) producers/harvester earning less than 7700â¬/year (content was: "{{European policy |ID=538 |Related to=365 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:18, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Agreements between landowners and beekeepers on beehives installation spots (content was: "{{European policy |ID=447 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:13, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Public tender for co-finincing sustainable game management (content was: "{{European policy |ID=359 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:11, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Slovenian honey with protected geographical indication (content was: "{{European policy |ID=351 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:07, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Pine nuts and pinecones traceability (content was: "{{European policy |ID=388 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 17:06, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Niedersächsisches Jagdgesetz NJagdG (content was: "{{European policy |ID=236 }}", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:53, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âChouto e Parreiraâ (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âChouto e Parreiraâ |Year=2008 |Policy area=F...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:51, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âUlme e Vale de Cavalosâ (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âUlme e Vale de Cavalosâ |Year=2008 |Policy a...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:50, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âDivorâ (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âDivorâ |Year=2011 |Policy area=Forestry |Aff...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:48, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the forestry intervention area (ZIF) âChamusca, Pinheiro Grande e Carregueiraâ. (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the forestry intervention area (ZIF) âChamusca, Pinheiro Grande e Carregueiraâ. |Y...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:47, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âSão Bartolomeu da Serraâ. (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âSão Bartolomeu da Serraâ. |Year=2009 |Pol...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:45, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âMarvãoâ (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âMarvãoâ |Year=2012 |Policy area=Forestry...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:42, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âBaixo Sorraiaâ. (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âBaixo Sorraiaâ. |Year=2011 |Policy area=Fore...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:38, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âErraâ (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âErraâ |Year=2011 |Policy area=Forestry |Affe...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:37, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âRibeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Mugeâ (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âRibeiras da Lamarosa e Magos e da Charneca de Mug...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))
- 16:35, 18 September 2016 Vimmonen (talk | contribs) deleted page Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âViso e Anexasâ. (content was: "{{European policy |Name=Institution of the Forestry intervention (ZIF) area âViso e Anexasâ. |Year=2011 |Policy area=Fore...", and the only contributor was "Vimmonen" (talk))