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Territorial Surveillance Act, 2000 (Finland)

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Section 17

Restrictions in a restricted area Without permission, the following activities are not allowed in a restricted area: 1) scuba diving or other underwater activity which does not normally form part of navigation; 2) fishing with fishing tackle dragged along the bottom or heavy tackle anchored at the bottom, such as a seine, trawl or large bow net; 3) anchoring a vessel other than a pleasure craft outside an anchorage marked on Finnish sea charts, unless this is necessary for reasons of navigational safety, force majeure or an emergency; 4) movement in a public water area outside a public fairway within 100 metres of land areas which are used by the Defence Forces and where landing is marked as forbidden by law.

The stipulations of paragraph 1 shall not apply to authorities carrying out their official duties. Nevertheless, the approving authority referred to in section 20 shall be notified of any activities carried out by an authority other than the territorial surveillance authority.

Source link
https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2000/20000755, https://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaannokset/2000/en20000755.pdf

Full reference
Aluevalvontalaki 18.8.2000/755, Territorial Surveillance Act 755/2000

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Everymans' rights (Finland)

Year {{{Year}}}
The date "{{{Year}}}" was not understood.
Policy area
Affected activity
Affected actors
Subject Access
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone North East Europe
Countries Finland
Regions (NUTS 2) North Karelia
Focus on NWFP
Document category Law
Instrument type Regulatory
Legal status Binding
Geographical scope National
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