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List of results
- Birds directive + (Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds)
- Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 relating to the labelling presentation and advertising of foodstuff + (Directive2000/13/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 March 2000 onthe approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the labelling, presentation and advertising of foodstuff)
- Food Act, 2006 (Finland) + (Elintarvikelaki 13.1.2006/23, Food Act 13.1.2006/23)
- Animal Welfare Act, 1996 (Finland) + (Eläinsuojelulaki 4.4.1996/247, Animal Welfare Act 247/1996)
- Export permits + (Export permit)
- FYM/133/2012 + (FYM/133/2012 Order of March 12, laying down the conditions for obtaining the qualification of energy orientation of the forestry uses.)
- FYM/744/2012 + (FYM/744/2012 Order of August 27, amending MAM/875/2011 Order of 24 June, regulating the use of closed pine cones (Pinus pinea L.), and the creation of the inventory of pinecone producers in Castilla y Leon and the section of authorized companies.)
- Food Technology Centres + (Food Technology Centres)
- Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002 + (Forest Reproductive Material (Great Britain) Regulations 2002)
- Forestry Act 1967 (UK) + (Forestry Act 1967 c.10)
- Forestry Development Strategy (Serbia) + (Forestry Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia, Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 59/06, Belgrade)
- National Forest Strategy (2006, Portugal) + (Government Resolution No. 114/2006 on the National Forestry Strategy.2006-09-15)
- National Plan for Forest Protection against fires (PNDFCI). + (Government Resolution No. 65/2006 on the National Plan for Forest Protection against fires PNDFCI. 2006-05-26)
- Habitats directive + (Habitat Directive 92/43/CEE (21/05/1992) on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora)
- Hunting licences and hunting permits + (Hunting licences and hunting permits)
- Europe 2020 + (Innovating for Sustainable Growth: A Bioeconomy for Europe-Communication From The Commission To The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic And Social Committee And The Committee Of The Regions)
- Fiscal Law on Truffle Commercialization C. 41/05 (Italy) + (Internal Note of the Fiscal Authority, 26 September 2005, n. 41)
- International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) + (International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC))
- Inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for NWFP, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) No: 297 (2013) + (Inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for NWFP, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) No: 297 (2013) [TR: ODUN DI?I ORMAN ÜRÜNLER?N?N ENVANTER VE PLANLAMASI ?LE ÜRET?M ve SATI? ESASLARI TEBL?? NO: 297])
- JEREMIE + (JEREMIE - Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises)
- Public Order Act, 2003 (Finland) + (Järjestyslaki 27.6.2003/612, Public Order Act 612/2003)
- The Waste Act, 2011 (Finland) + (Jätelaki 17.6.2011/646, Waste Act 17.6.2011/646)
- Mining Act, 2011 (Finland) + (Kaivoslaki 10.6.2011/621)
- Fishing Act, 1982 (Finland) + (Kalastuslaki 16.4.1982/286, Fishing Act 286/1982)
- Assembly Act, 1999 (Finland) + (Kokoontumislaki 22.4.1999/530, Assembly Act 530/1999)
- Act on the Defence Forces, 2007 (Finland) + (Laki Puolustusvoimista 11.5.2007/551, Act on the Defence Forces (551/2007))
- Law on Amending the Penal Code, 1990 (Finland) + (Laki rikoslain muuttamisesta 769/1990, 28. Luku 11 §, 14 §)
- The Private Roads Act, 1962 (Finland) + (Laki yksityisistä teistä 15.6.1962/358)
- National Hunting Law 157/92 (Italy) + (Law 11 February 1992, n. 157)
- Second Mushroom Law 376/95 (Italy) + (Law 14 July 1995, n. 376 (commercialization rules for mushrooms))
- Truffle law 752/85 + (Law 16 December 1985, n. 752)
- Mushroom Law 352/93 (Italy) + (Law 23 August 1993, n. 352)
- Hunting Derogation Law 221/02 + (Law 3 October 2002, n. 221)
- Law 3/2009 + (Law 3/2009, of April 6, of forest of Castilla y León.)
- Law 30/2006 + (Law 30/2006, of July 26, of seeds and nurseries plants and phytogenetic resources.)
- Law 8/1991 + (Law 8/1991, of May 10, Natural Areas of the Community of Castile and León.)
- Trespass (Scotland) Act 1865 + (Law n.º 33/96, 17/08/1996: defines the basis for the national forest policy)
- Latvian Hunting Act + (Law nr. 107 (2872), 23.07.2003)
- Latvian Forest Act + (Law nr. 205 (4397), 01.01.2011)
- Law nr. 46/2008 (Forest Code) + (Law nr. 46/2008 (Forest Code), (Lege nr. 46/2008 - Codul Silvic al Romaniei), Published in Monitorul Oficial, Partea I, nr. 238/27.03.2008, with amendments)
- Law on environmental protection (Serbia) + (Law on environmental protection, Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 135/04, 36/09, 36/09 - other law, and 72/09 - other law, Belgrade)
- Law on forests (Serbia) + (Law on forests, Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 30/10, Belgrade)
- Law on game and hunting (Serbia) + (Law on game and hunting, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 18/10, Belgrade)
- Law on nature protection (Serbia) + (Law on nature conservation (2009), Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 36/09 and 88/10, Belgrade)
- Law on nature conservation + (Law on nature conservation (2009), Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 36/09, Belgrade)
- Law 30/28-02-2006 - Law regarding rules for public health for the use of wild edible mushrooms + (Legea 30/28-02-2006 - privind regulile de s?n?tate public? la folosirea ciupercilor din flora spontan?)
- Law 407/2006- Law on Hunting and wild animals protection + (Legea Nr. 407 din 9 noiembrie 2006: Legea vân?torii ?i a protec?iei fondului cinegetic)
- Local Action Groups – Axis 4 LEADER + (Local Action Groups â Axis 4 LEADER)
- Nature conservation decree, 1997 (Finland) + (Luonnonsuojeluasetus 14.2.1997/160)
- Nature conservation act, 1996 (Finland) + (Luonnonsuojelulaki 1096/1996, 9 §, 10 §, 13 §, 14 §, 18 §, 20 §, 36 §, 39 §, 42 §)
- MAM/1525/2005 + (MAM/1525/2005 Order of 16 November, declaring officially the existence of the plague of chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) in Castilla y León and establishing a program for control and eradication.)