Revision history of "Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System"
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Class | Policy + |
Countries | Portugal + |
Encodedname | Second_Amendments_to_Decree-Law_No._124.2F2006_on_National_Forest_Protection_System + |
Full reference | Decree-Law No. 17/2009 establishing the Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System.2009-01-14 + |
Geographical scope | National + |
Instrument type | Regulatory + |
Lcname | second amendments to decree-law no. 124/2006 on national forest protection system + |
Legal status | Binding + |
Name | Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System + |
Policy area | Forestry + |
Reference ID | 116 + |
Regions | Alentejo Region + |
Response set | Pedro Ochôa Carvalho + |
Subject | Nature conservation + and Forests + |