Revision history of "Regulation of harvesting and commercialization of pine cones of Pinus pinea (Catalonia)"
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Facts about "Regulation of harvesting and commercialization of pine cones of Pinus pinea (Catalonia)"
Affected activity | Marketing/trade + and Harvesting/Production + |
Affected actors | Landowner/land manager +, Picker/harvester/hunter +, Processor + and Retailer + |
Class | Instrument + |
Countries | Spain + |
Document category | Law + |
Encodedname | Regulation_of_harvesting_and_commercialization_of_pine_cones_of_Pinus_pinea_.28Catalonia.29 + |
Focus | Direct + |
Geographical scope | Regional + |
Initiator | Public + |
Instrument type | Regulatory + |
Lcname | regulation of harvesting and commercialization of pine cones of pinus pinea (catalonia) + |
Legal status | Binding + |
Name | Regulation of harvesting and commercialization of pine cones of Pinus pinea (Catalonia) + |
Policy area | Forestry + |
Products | Nuts + |
Reference ID | 350 + |
Regions | Catalonia + |
Source link | + |
Subject | NWFP + |
Year | 1991 + |
Zone | South West Europe + |