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Pages using the property "Regions"

Showing 50 pages using this property.

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Licenses for the use of pinecones and pine nuts +Castile and León  +
Local Action Groups – Axis 4 LEADER +West Wales and The Valleys  +
Lowland Deer Network +Eastern Scotland  +
MAM/1525/2005 +Castile and León  +
MAM/510/2007 +Castile and León  +
MAP law 41-148/08 +Trentino-South Tyrol  +
MYCOLOGICAL USES PLAN +Castile and León  +
MYCOLSYLVA +Castile and León  +
Management resin use Plans +Castile and León  +
Management resin use plans (technical sheets of resin extraction campaigns) +Castile and León  +
Measures concerning the apiculture sector; Council Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 +Lower Saxony  +
Mining Act, 2011 (Finland) +North Karelia  +
Ministerial Order 410/11.04.2008 - Procedures of the collecting, purchasing and trading wild fauna and flora species +North East region  +
Modernization and Qualification of Forest Companies +Alentejo Region  +
Moss/foliage harvesting permits +West Wales and The Valleys  +
Multifunctional Management for Forest Stands +Alentejo Region  +
Mushroom Law 352/93 (Italy) +Trentino-South Tyrol  +
Mushroom picking license +Trentino-South Tyrol  +
Mushroom regulation in Forest Act +Styria  +
Mushroom regulation in Poblet +Catalonia  +
Mycological management units (MYAS RC) +Castile and León  +
National Act for nature and landcape conservation (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz) +Lower Saxony  +
National Forest Act 1975 (Bundeswaldgesetz) +Lower Saxony  +
National Forest Programme, 2015 (Finland) +North Karelia  +
National Forest Strategy (2006, Portugal) +Alentejo Region  +
National Hunting Law 157/92 (Italy) +Trentino-South Tyrol  +
National Plan for Forest Protection against fires (PNDFCI). +Alentejo Region  +
Natural Resources Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, 2002 (Finland) +North Karelia  +
Nature Conservation (Scotland) Act 2004 +Eastern Scotland  +
Nature Conservation Act +Lower Saxony  +
Nature conservation act, 1996 (Finland) +North Karelia  +
Nature conservation decree, 1997 (Finland) +North Karelia  +
Niedersächsisches Gesetz über den Wald und die Landschaftsordnung NWaldLG +Lower Saxony  +
Niedersächsisches Jagdgesetz NJagdG +Lower Saxony  +
Non-timber forest products (NTFP) survey sub-sector analysis (SSA) in Montenegro +Western Slovenia  +
ORDER AYG/1066/2011 +Castile and León  +
Operation Technical Regulations +Castile and León  +
Order AAM/254/2012, of 31st of August, of approval of the Mushroom Harvesting Plan in the area of Poblet, Catalunya +Catalonia  +
Order LCAT 1994\462 of 9th of August 1994 that modifies the ordinance of 15th of July 1991 (LCAT 1991\315), of regulation of the truffle sector +Catalonia  +
Order MAH/328/2005 13th of July that modifies the Order from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector. Published in the DOGC, number 4433, 25/07/2005. +Catalonia  +
Order MAH/328/2005 13th of July that modifies the Ordinance from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector. Published in the DOGC, number 4433, 25/07/2005 +Catalonia  +
Order SCO/190/2004 of 28th of January that publishes the relation between plants and mushrooms that remain forbidden to selling, depending on its toxicity +Catalonia  +
Order SCO/3303/2006, of 23rd of Octuber that forbids strictly the trade of mushroom Tricholoma equestre +Catalonia  +
Order from 15th of July 1991, about regulation of the truffle sector +Catalonia  +
Payments for recreational harvest activity +Trentino-South Tyrol  +
Pests Act 1954 (UK) +Eastern Scotland  +
Pilot Plan regulating the harvesting of mushrooms in the area of Poblet +Catalonia  +
Placement of bee hives on public land +Eastern Scotland  +
Plans for mycological use (Micodata) +Castile and León  +
Facts about "Regions"
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