Lower case property for name of the policy. This exist for query purposes. No need to assign this individually for policies if template is used. Type text.
Pages using the property "Lcname"
Showing 94 pages using this property.
R | |
Research centres as an example of innovation centres : the case of the Catalan Cork Institute + | research centres as an example of innovation centres : the case of the catalan cork institute + |
Resolution on National Forest Programme, 2007 (Slovenia) + | resolution on national forest programme, 2007 (slovenia) + |
Royal Decree 30/2009 of 16th of January on sanitary conditions for the trade of mushrooms for alimentation use + | royal decree 30/2009 of 16th of january on sanitary conditions for the trade of mushrooms for alimentation use + |
Rule governing the collection of mushrooms + | rule governing the collection of mushrooms + |
Rulebook on declaration and protection of protected and strictly protected species of plants, animals and fungi (Serbia) + | rulebook on declaration and protection of protected and strictly protected species of plants, animals and fungi (serbia) + |
Rulebook on the transboundary movement and trade in protected species (Serbia) + | rulebook on the transboundary movement and trade in protected species (serbia) + |
Rules on the protection of forests, 2000 (Slovenia) + | rules on the protection of forests, 2000 (slovenia) + |
Rules on the register of bee forage sources, bee forage organisation and the bee forage forecast programme, 2013 (Slovenia) + | rules on the register of bee forage sources, bee forage organisation and the bee forage forecast programme, 2013 (slovenia) + |
Ruling on Forestry Intervention Areas (ZIF) + | ruling on forestry intervention areas (zif) + |
S | |
SFM certification (PEFC) + | sfm certification (pefc) + |
Sales permits for venison trade + | sales permits for venison trade + |
Scots Common Law + | scots common law + |
Scottish Bulb Collection code + | scottish bulb collection code + |
Scottish Moss Collection code + | scottish moss collection code + |
Scottish Quality Wild Venison + | scottish quality wild venison + |
Scottish Wild Mushrooms code + | scottish wild mushrooms code + |
Second Amendments to Decree-Law No. 124/2006 on National Forest Protection System + | second amendments to decree-law no. 124/2006 on national forest protection system + |
Second Mushroom Law 376/95 (Italy) + | second mushroom law 376/95 + |
Seventh Framework Programme + | seventh framework programme + |
Slovenian honey with protected geographical indication (SHPGI) + | slovenian honey with protected geographical indication (shpgi) + |
Spanish Civil Code + | spanish civil code + |
Spanish Forest Plan + | spanish forest plan + |
Spanish Forest Strategy + | spanish forest strategy + |
Spanish Forestry Law + | spanish forestry law + |
Specific business qualification document for trading pinecones and pine nuts + | specific business qualification document for trading pinecones and pine nuts + |
State of Finland forest 2012, based on the Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management, 2012 (Finland) + | state of finland forest 2012, based on the criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management, 2012 (finland) + |
Stock pinecone forest producers of blackpine + | stock pinecone forest producers of blackpine + |
Styrian Hunting Act (1986) + | styrian hunting act (1986) + |
Styrian hunting law + | styrian hunting law + |
Subsidies for SFM + | subsidies for sfm + |
Subsidies for sustainable forest management in public forests + | subsidies for sustainable forest management in public forests + |
Subsidies for the installation of bee hives, for the purchase of extraction equipment, and support measures for carrying out analysis of honey + | subsidies for the installation of bee hives, for the purchase of extraction equipment, and support measures for carrying out analysis of honey + |
Suceava University MSc in Forest management + | suceava university msc in forest management + |
Supply Chain Efficiency Scheme + | supply chain efficiency scheme + |
Support for HACCAP certification + | support for haccap certification + |
Support for creating new techologies and products + | support for creating new techologies and products + |
Südtirol Hunting Law 141/87 + | südtirol hunting law 141/87 + |
Südtirol NWFP Harvesting Law 6/10 + | südtirol nwfp harvesting law 6/10 + |
T | |
Tax exemption + | tax exemption + |
Tax exemption for selling for any NWFP (and agricultural products) producers/harvester earning less than 7700€/year + | tax exemption for selling for any nwfp (and agricultural products) producers/harvester earning less than 7700€/year + |
Tax exemption for selling honey or bees + | tax exemption for selling honey or bees + |
Tax free income (Finland) + | tax free income (finland) + |
Territorial Surveillance Act, 2000 (Finland) + | territorial surveillance act, 2000 (finland) + |
The Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy, 2013 + | the action plan for the forest sector in a green economy, 2013 + |
The Alpine Convention + | the alpine convention + |
The Arctic Flavours Association (Finland) + | the arctic flavours association (finland) + |
The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) + | the common agriculture policy (cap) + |
The Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 1994 + | the conservation (natural habitats, &c.) regulations 1994 + |
The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 + | the conservation of habitats and species regulations 2010 + |
The Constitution of Finland, 1999 (Finland) + | the constitution of finland, 1999 (finland) + |
The Criminal Code, 1889 (Finland) + | the criminal code, 1889 (finland) + |
The Deer Initiative + | the deer initiative + |
The EU Forest Action Plan + | the eu forest action plan + |
The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) + | the european agricultural fund for rural development (eafrd) + |
The European Forest Strategy + | the european forest strategy + |
The European Regional Development Fund + | the european regional development fund + |
The Fourth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe + | the fourth ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe + |
The Hunting Act, 1993 (Finland) + | the hunting act, 1993 (finland) + |
The National Parks Law No: 2873 (09/8/1983, amended …) + | the national parks law no: 2873 + |
The Private Roads Act, 1962 (Finland) + | the private roads act, 1962 (finland) + |
The Rural Development Policy + | the rural development policy + |
The Second Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe + | the second ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe + |
The Sixth Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe + | the sixth ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe + |
The Spanish Constitution + | the spanish constitution + |
The Third Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe + | the third ministerial conference on the protection of forests in europe + |
The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992 + | the united nations convention on biological diversity, 1992 + |
The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) + | the university of eastern finland (uef) + |
The Waste Act, 2011 (Finland) + | the waste act, 2011 (finland) + |
The Water Act, 2011 (Finland) + | the water act, 2011 (finland) + |
The Water Traffic Act, 1996 (Finland) + | the water traffic act, 1996 (finland) + |
The new EU Forest Strategy + | the new eu forest strategy + |
Theft Act 1968 + | theft act 1968 + |
Torggelen (chestnut-wine touristic package) + | torggelen (chestnut-wine touristic package) + |
Traceability of pinecones and pine nuts + | traceability of pinecones and pine nuts + |
Training of beekeepers on different aspects + | training of beekeepers on different aspects + |
Trentino Forest Law 11/07 + | trentino forest law 11/07 + |
Trentino Hunting Law 24/91 + | trentino hunting law 24/91 + |
Trentino Mushroom Law 16/91 + | trentino mushroom law 16/91 + |
Trentino NWFP Law 23-25/09 + | trentino nwfp law 23-25/09 + |
Trespass (Scotland) Act 1865 + | trespass (scotland) act 1865 + |
Truffle law 752/85 + | truffle law 752/85 + |
Truffle regulation + | truffle regulation + |
U | |
UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) + | uk woodland assurance standard (ukwas) + |
V | |
VAT reimbursement + | vat reimbursement + |
VAT reimbursement for NWFP producers + | vat reimbursement for nwfp producers + |
Values and use on NWFPs in Croatia + | values and use on nwfps in croatia + |
W | |
Wild Game Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) Regulations 1995 + | wild game meat (hygiene and inspection) regulations 1995 + |
Wild Venison Standard + | wild venison standard + |
Wild game and hunting act, 2004 (Slovenia) + | wild game and hunting act, 2004 (slovenia) + |
Wild game damage compensations + | wild game damage compensations + |
Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 + | wildlife and natural environment (scotland) act 2011 + |
Woodlands and You + | woodlands and you + |
Working Woods Label + | working woods label + |