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Law on nature protection (Serbia)

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The Law on nature conservation of the Republic of Serbia (2010) regulates production, harvesting, and trade of protected species. One of the objectives of the Law on nature conservation of the Republic of Serbia is “...sustainable use and/or management of natural resources and goods, as well as ensuring their functions with preservation of natural resources and the balance of the natural ecosystem” (Art. 2). In the part of the Law, related to the protection and preservation of wild species, states that it is forbidden “…to destroy plants and fungi and their developmental forms, by picking, collecting, cutting or pulling from the root, at all stages of biological cycle and endanger or destroy their habitats” (Art. 74). Article 77 of the Act states that “...the use and collection of protected wild species is allowed only in a way that does not endanger the favourable status of their populations” (Art. 77), while the processing, trade, cross-border traffic, as well as plantation and farmers' cultivation of fungi, lichens, plants, animals and their parts, can only be done on the basis of permits issued by the ministry in charge of the environment (Art. 76). The competent ministry also issues a permit for the import, export and transit of plant species, which are protected by the law and signed international treaties and generally accepted rules of international law (Art. 94).

Full reference
Law on nature conservation (2009), Official gazzete of the Republic of Serbia No. 36/09 and 88/10, Belgrade

Related to

Law on environmental protection (Serbia) (2004)

Year 2009
Policy area Biodiversity and endangered species policies, Forestry
Affected activity Marketing/trade, Harvesting/Production
Affected actors Picker/harvester/hunter, Processor, Retailer, Wholesaler
Products All NWFP
Subject NWFP
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone South East Europe
Countries Serbia
Regions (NUTS 2) Šumadija and Western Serbia
Focus on NWFP Direct
Document category Law
Instrument type Regulatory
Legal status Binding
Geographical scope National
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