Revision history of "Inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for NWFP, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) No: 297 (2013)"
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Facts about "Inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for NWFP, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) No: 297 (2013)"
Class | Policy + |
Countries | Turkey + |
Encodedname | Inventory.2C_planning.2C_production_and_marketing_principles_for_NWFP.2C_rescript_.28working_guidelines.2Fby-laws.29_No:_297_.282013.29 + |
Full reference | Inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for NWFP, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) No: 297 (2013) [TR: ODUN DI?I ORMAN ÜRÜNLER?N?N ENVANTER VE PLANLAMASI ?LE ÜRET?M ve SATI? ESASLARI TEBL?? NO: 297] + |
Geographical scope | National + |
Lcname | inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for nwfp, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) no: 297 (2013) + |
Name | Inventory, planning, production and marketing principles for NWFP, rescript (working guidelines/by-laws) No: 297 (2013) + |
Policy area | Forestry + |
Products | Nuts +, Berries +, Bark/cork +, Other NWFP + and Mushrooms/truffles + |
Reference ID | 114 + |
Regions | Bursa Subregion + |
Response set | Default + |
Subject | NWFP +, Forests + and Access + |