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Forest act, 1993 (Slovenia)

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Forest act is the main umbrella law in area of forestry in Slovenia and has several subsidiary regulations and acts. It defines general rules on use and management of forests, from which few also relate to use of NWFP. Those (articles) are presented below in more detail.

Art. 1 “This Act regulates the protection, cultivation, exploitation and use of forests and dispose of forests and natural resources with a view to ensure sustainable and multipurpose management in accordance with the principles of environmental protection and natural values, sustainable and optimal functioning of forests as an ecosystem and the exercise of their functions.”

Art. 3 “Use of forest is a collective term for the exploitation of forest functions and is under this Act also permitted to noon-owners (picking mushrooms, fruits of forest trees and other plants that grow in the woods, picking herbaceous plants and parts thereof, beekeeping, moving through the woods, recreation in the woods, etc.).”

Art. 5 “Ownership of the forests is exercised in such a way as to ensure their ecological, social and productive function. Forest owner must therefore:

  • Manage forests in accordance with the regulations, plans for management and administrative acts issued under this Act;
  • Allow in its forest-free access, except in cases of gainful and profitable tourist recreational activities;
  • Allow in its forest beekeeping and hunting and recreational harvesting of fruits, herbaceous plants, mushrooms and wild animals in accordance with the regulations.

Art. 24 of Act on forests provides legal basis for fencing the forest, which is also related to production of NWFP. It can be done for sylvicultural purposes (preventing danger to regeneration); protection of water catchments; natural protected areas; cultural heritage and scientific-research objects. Approval for fencing if given by the Slovenia forest Service where rules of movement inside the fenced area are also set. Act on forests also gives legal basis for limiting public access to forests that are used for production of NWFP (see subsequent chapters for details).

Art. 25 of the Act on forests states that harvesting of wild animals, fruits, mushrooms and herbs can be restricted or limited if specific species of functions of forests are endangered.

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Full reference
Zakon o gozdovih (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos 30/1993, 67/2002, 110/2002, 110/2007, 106/2010, 63/2013, 17/2014 and 24/2015 (EPA 0119; SOP 1993-01-1299))

Related to

Rules on the protection of forests, 2000 (Slovenia) (2000)
• Resolution on National Forest Programme, 2007 (Slovenia) (2007)

Year 1993
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity Harvesting/Production, Use/consumption
Affected actors Landowner/land manager, Picker/harvester/hunter, Producer/beekeeper
Products Berries, Christmas trees, Foliage, Fruits, Game, Herbs/plants, Honey and Bee products, Mushrooms/truffles, Nuts
Subject Edible NWFP, Access, Forests, NWFP, Nature conservation
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone South East Europe
Countries Slovenia
Regions (NUTS 2) Western Slovenia
Focus on NWFP Direct
Document category
Instrument type Regulatory
Legal status Binding
Geographical scope National
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