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Decree No. 39/2007 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL)

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This Decree approves the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL), to be in force for 20 years. The annexed Forestry Plan is composed of four titles divided in 51 articles and two annexes. The plan covers forests use, occupation and forestry order. In particular, it rules on protected species and defines forestry zoning criteria according to homogeneous areas. Moreover, it regulates local forestry planning activities and defines intervention measures, including defence measures against forest fires. The annexes to the Forestry Plan provide general intervention rules to be applied in forest areas and agro-forestry models.

Source link
http://dre.pt/util/getpdf.asp?s=dip&serie=1&iddr=2007.66&iddip=20071081 (in portuguese)

Full reference
Decree No. 39/2007 regulating the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL). 2007-04-05

Year {{{Year}}}
The date "{{{Year}}}" was not understood.
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity
Affected actors
Products Game, Nuts, Berries, Bark/cork, Mushrooms/truffles
Subject NWFP, Nature conservation, Forests, Access
Countries Portugal
Regions (NUTS 2) Alentejo Region
Focus on NWFP
Document category
Instrument type
Legal status
"{{{Legal status }}}" is not in the list of possible values (Binding, Non-binding) for this property.
Geographical scope Regional
More information about properties

ClassPolicy +
CountriesPortugal +
EncodednameDecree_No._39.2F2007_Regulation_of_the_Regional_Forestry_Plan_of_Alentejo_Litoral_.28PROF_AL.29 +
Full referenceDecree No. 39/2007 regulating the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL). 2007-04-05 +
Geographical scopeRegional +
Lcnamedecree no. 39/2007 regulation of the regional forestry plan of alentejo litoral (prof al) +
NameDecree No. 39/2007 Regulation of the Regional Forestry Plan of Alentejo Litoral (PROF AL) +
Policy areaForestry +
ProductsGame +, Nuts +, Berries +, Bark/cork + and Mushrooms/truffles +
Reference ID105 +
RegionsAlentejo Region +
Response setPedro Ochôa Carvalho +
Source linkhttp://dre.pt/util/getpdf.asp?s=dip&serie=1&iddr=2007.66&iddip=20071081 (in portuguese) +
SubjectNWFP +, Nature conservation +, Forests + and Access +