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Revision history of "Decree-Law No. 169/2001 Establishment of Protective measures of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands"

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Affected activityHarvesting/Production +
Affected actorsLandowner/land manager + and Picker/harvester/hunter +
ClassPolicy +
CountriesPortugal +
EncodednameDecree-Law_No._169.2F2001_Establishment_of_Protective_measures_of_Cork_Oak_and_Holm_Oak_stands +
Full referenceDecree-Law No. 169/2001 Establishment of Protective measures of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands. Amendments: Decree-Law No. 155/2004 https://dre.pt/util/getpdf.asp?s=dip&serie=1&iddr=2004.152A&iddip=20041911 +
Geographical scopeNational +
Instrument typeRegulatory +
Lcnamedecree-law no. 169/2001 establishment of protective measures of cork oak and holm oak stands +
Legal statusBinding +
NameDecree-Law No. 169/2001 Establishment of Protective measures of Cork Oak and Holm Oak stands +
Policy areaForestry +
ProductsBark/cork + and Mushrooms/truffles +
Reference ID123 +
RegionsAlentejo Region +
Response setPedro Ochôa Carvalho +
Source linkhttps://dre.pt/util/getpdf.asp?s=dip&serie=1&iddr=2001.121A&iddip=20011616 (in portuguese) +
SubjectNWFP +, Nature conservation + and Forests +
Year2001 +