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Action plan for truffles (Turkey)

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Brief description of the instrument and its modus operandi

To contribute to be known of truffles as an important natural resources by rural people and sustainable utilization from truffles areas. The aim of action planis to map of natural truff areas, establish the new areas growing truff.

Which problem the instrument is supposed to solve?

1. increasing of awareness for truff species 2. conservation of natural areas 3. establishing of unnatural areas 4. determining of special distribution. Although truff is very important NWFP and Turkey is a potential area, there is no enough information their potential areas and culture techniques. so, this plan aims to research and work about these subjects.

Purpose or main objective / overall goal of the instrument?

a)Identification of truff species in the country b) conservation of natural truff areas c) planting of grafting with truff in the suitable areas for truff d) organizing of some training courses for truff hunter e) mapping of truff areas f) conservation of biodiversity g) increasing of awareness

Side objectives/goals of the instrument?

Contribute to recreational activities, improving the forest-forest villagers relationships, and contribution to the national economy

Innovation content or potential of the instrument?

The instrument does not contain a direct innovation.

Which laws and regulations support the implement of this instrument?

The rescript of NWFP no:295

The initiator/promoter of the instrument?

Government agency: General Directorate of Forestry

Which organizations are involved in the operationalization of the instrument?

Department of NWFP in General Directorate of Forestry; Some faculties in the university of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman

How is the overall performance of the instrument?

Implementation of all instruments is very new. Just started, need time to see the output/performance


Huss J., Kahveci O., 2009. Türkiye’de Doğaya Yakın Yapraklı Orman İşletmeciliği. Freiburg-Ankara, OGEM-VAK // Akıllı S., Katırcıoğlu Y. Z., Maden S., 2011. Kestane Tohumlarının Fungal Florası Üzerinde Çalışmalar. 14–17 Haziran // Türkiye IV. Tohumculuk Kongresi. Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi. Cilt 1, sayfa 271–276. Samsun. // Akıllı S., Ulubaş-Serçe Ç., Katırcıoğlu Y. Z., Maden S., 2012. Involvement of Phytophthora spp. in chestnut decline in the Black Sea region of Turkey. Forest Pathology. Volume 42, Issue 5, pages 377-386. DOI: 10,1111/j. 1439-0329.2012.00770.x. // Karagöz M., Gençsoylu İ., 2004. Aydın li Kestane Yetistirme Alanlarında Zararlı ve Yararlı Türler ve Ekonomik Önemleri. Samsun..

Brief description of the context for the emergence of the instrument

Although truff is very important NWFP and Turkey is a potantial area, there is no enough information their potantial areas and culture techniques. So, this plan aims to research about these subjects. General directorate of forestry realized this need. Because these products are very important for rural development.

Have any of the items mentioned above changed since the instrument entered into force?


Is there any qualitative or quantitative study of the impacts of the instrument?


Year 2014
Policy area Forestry
Affected activity Harvesting/Production
Affected actors Landowner/land manager, Picker/harvester/hunter, Processor, Retailer
Products Mushrooms/truffles
Subject NWFP
Promoter/initiator Public
Zone South East Europe
Countries Turkey
Regions (NUTS 2) Bursa Subregion
Focus on NWFP Direct
Document category Instrument
Instrument type Regulatory
Legal status Binding
Geographical scope National
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